2023 Honor Roll of Donors
2023 Supporters
Everything The Caring Cupboard does is enhanced by the incredible generosity of the people and businesses and organizations listed below who made donations in support of our efforts during calendar year 2023. We are truly grateful for their trust in our mission and for helping to enrich the lives of our friends and neighbors in need.
Furthermore, we recognize the time and talent of the numerous volunteers whose more than 16,000 volunteer hours also helped to make this year possible. We literally could not have done it without you!
If you feel your name or business has been overlooked, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@caringcupboard.org.
Joan A. Adams
Louise Adams
Chloe Adler
Cory Adler
Kevin and Shanna Adler
Steven and Susan Alger
William and Susan Allison
Alex and Lynette Almond
Leo and Emily Amoling
Kimberly Amy
David Anderson
Ellen T. Anderson
Josh Anderson
Natalie E. Anderson
David A. Annibali
Rick and Cindy Anspach
Karen Aranha
Leslie Archer
Christine Ardell and Mary McCleerey
Stephanie Ardell
Tawnia Ash
Benjamin and Susan Auerbach
Willis Aungst
Chad Averd
H. Scott and Judith Ayle
Greg and Sharon Baiocchi
Richard and Frederica Bair
Gerald and Joanne Balliet
William and Iris Bard
Geraldine C. Barto
Samuel J. Batchelor, Jr.
Michael and Julianne Battistelli
Christopher and Marie Bauer
Katherine Baum
Diane P. Bausher
John and Rita Bayler
Eve Beamesderfer
James and Florence Beaver
Wanda Bechtel
Shirley L. Beck
William S. Beck, Jr.
Leroy Beiler
Bernard and Mary Bell
Brenda Bell
Richard and Barbara Bentz
Shaun and Jody Bentz
Kenneth Bertolet
Jeff Bertrand
Kathleen Bertrand
Paul and Laurie Bibinski
Dane and Stephanie Bicher
Kevin Biddle
Andrew and Brodie Billingsley
Elizabeth Billingsley
David and Susanne Bishop
Howard and Louise Bixler
Philip C. Bixler
Ronald and Sandra Bixler
Richard W. and Dorothy E. Black
Ryan and Barb Blatt
Lynn and Cynthia Blauch
Lois Bliss
Jay and Anne Bobb
Millicent V. Bobb
John and Pamela Boger
Gerry and Jean Boltz
Sue Bomberger
Francis and Marion Bonenberger
Justin Bordell
Karl and Nancy Bordner
George Bory and Veronica Doherty
Crystal Boudreau
Jennifer Boyde
Jane Boyer
James A. Bracale, Jr.
Patricia M. Braden
Randy and Leigh Braden
Bret and Frances Brandt
Debbie Brandt
Matt Breeden
Dorothy A. Brehm
Ronald and Barbara Brehm
Joseph Breslin
Robert and Sandra Brettler
Gerald and Nancy Brinser
John and Cathy Brinser
Alison Brooks
Ainsley Brown
Donald and Faye Brown
Susanne Brown
Jeff and Tricia Bruce
Janet E. Bucher
Jasmine Bucher
Kathy Bucher
Michael Bucher
Deanne Buchter
William and Deborah Buckfelder
Jeffrey and Lynn Budgeon
Jay and Carolyn Buffenmyer
Judith A. Buffington
Kristy Bugg
Aura Hill Bunn
Ray and Leslie Bures
Collin Buscavage
Kenneth and Kimberly Bush
Alaric Busher
Betty J. Butch
Brett Butler
Deborah Bybee
Derrick ByDeLey
Robert and Shirley Byron
Anier Caldwell
William and Diane Calhoon
Scott Cameron
David Campbell
Yvonne E. Campbell
Marino and Christine Candori
Douglas Canovas
William and Kathleen Cantore
Voorhis and Mary Cantrell
Kimberly Caputzal
Janice E. Carpenter
Shirley Carpenter
Victor S. Caruso
Jennifer Cassel
Toby and Ellen Catherman
Steve Cerquone
Christopher and Cynthia Champion
Lisa Chenoweth
Daniel P. Chirico
Kenneth and Renee Choyce
John and Eileen Ciardullo
James and Vikki Cicchillo
Phillip and Merry Civello
Dale and Sylvia Clair
Jaqueline Clark
Nicole clemens
Calvin and Carla Clements
Lynn Clements
Janice M. Cline
Kacy Clouser
Lisa Coburn
Ed Coffey
Terri M. Cole
Michael Collins
Russell and Sue Collins
Harry and Connie Comrey
Richard and Dixie Confer
Kristy Connelly
Ronald G. Conrad
Dean and Donna Cook
Suzanne M. Cook
Jeri Cooper-Earl
David and Cynthia Ann Cope
Jeffrey and Caitlin Copus
Eamon Coyne
Richard and Rhoda Cramer
Matt Crisp
Duane and Valerie Crouse
Jacqueline D. Crouse
Martha Crowell
Tibor and Emily Cseszko
Mitchell and Michelle Curry
Anthony and Sara Czuchnicki
Pamela Daiber
Robyn Daiber
William and Becky Daiber
Gerry R. Daniels+ and DeeAnn W. Daniels
Chip and DeFord Davis
Deborah L. Davis
Robyn Davis
Robert and Mary Deaven
Brian Deiling
Philip and Judith DeIvernois
Todd Dellinger
Wes and Amy Dellinger
Leslie and Tammy Delmarter
Betty Jane Demchak
Elaine Demsko
Jaun Dennison
Jeffrey and Cathleen DiCello
Patricia A. DiCello
Rodney and Robin Dickinson
Evelyn Dietz
Mark S. Dimick
Meredith Dinger
Michael J. DiNunzio
Judith L. Dissinger
Kate Dively, DDS
Richard and Alberta Dobson
Diane M. Dohner
Nichole Donley
Debra Donmoyer
Christine Donough
Harold Dorsey
Patrick R. Dorsey
Tom Doty
James and Mary Dougherty
Marcia Dougherty
George and Penelope Downey
Joseph Dreiss and Susan Kelly-Dreiss
Lori Drumm
George Dulac
Timothy and Connie Dunkle
Pattie Dupkas
Corey Dupree
Jene Dvorak
Larry and Fay Earhart
Frank and Katrina Early
Jeff and Ann Ebersole
Greg and Donna Eckert
Randy and Ida Eckert
Carol Edris
Lucy Edwards
Thomas and Joanne Ehrhart
Timothy and Dawn Elder
Robert and Mary Engelman
Marion E. Ercoli
H. Richard and Cynthia Eschenmann
Ruth E. Eshelman
Estate of Daniel C. Custer
Sandra J. Estrada
Carol J. Evans
Jaxon and Kathleen Eves
Jeff and Lynn Fackler
Thomas E. Fair
Alan Fake
Jean C. Fales
Herbert and Darlene Fankhanel
Gerald and Joan Farabaugh
Joe and Muriel Farrell
George and Margaret Fava
Jennifer Feldser
Barry and Dorothy Felt
Tom and Deb Fenstermacher
William and Lois Filingeri
Lisa Filter
Marge Fircha
Jeffrey and Joan Firestone
Keith and Kathleen Fisher
Millard and Carolyn Fisher
Sylvia and Herbert Fisher
William and Diane Fitterer
Donald and Patricia Fletcher
Joseph and Stefanie Fogg
Clarence and Eileen Fox
Leslie D. Fox
Robert and Gail Frankhouser
Erin Frantz
Edward and Suzanne Frazier
Kasy Frederick
Joshua Freeman
Mike Frye
Kenneth and Debra Fuhrman
Nancy R. Fuschetti
Steven and Sharon Fuschetti
Michael and Leigh Gable
Reagan Gabner
Paula L. Gahres
Jodi Gallagher
Maureen A. Gallagher
Robert and Carla Gallo and Family
Vanessa Galvan
Vincent Gambone
Judy Gardyasz
Damien and Jessica Garloff
Scott Garrison
Carl and Pamela Garver
Patricia Geesaman
Melvin and Ann Gehman
Larry and Sandra Geib
Andrew and Crystal Geiselman
Jane Geiselman
Helen George
James and Susan George
Kate and Jedadiah Gerdes
Jeffrey A. Gettle
Meredith D. Getz
Eric and Emily Geyer
Starvonsky Gibbs
Daniel and Linda Gibson
Calvin and Mauree Gingrich
Faye M. Gingrich
H. Arthur and Nancy Gingrich
P.J. and Carrie Gingrich
Chad Glende
Laurie Gnall
Charity Gochnauer
Mary R. Godfrey
Jason Goncz
Michael and Cherryl Good
Nevin and Deb Good
Tennille Good
Judith A. Gordon
Pat and Hubert Gordon
Randall Gottshall
Paul and Cherie Graby
D. John and Carol Grace
Gavin Graff and Susan Diener
Tim and Lori Grafton
Sara Graham
Grandma Barb
Wade Grannas
Devon Grant
Patrick and Karen Grant
David and Mary Greeley
Barry and Beverly Greiner
Frank C. Grenoble, Jr.
Gary and Bridget Grieve-Carlson
Richard Grimes
Linda Grodzinksi
Julie Groh
Michael and Pamela Grubic
Carolyn Grunden
Larry and Carol Grunden
Robert and Kim Guenthner
Brad Gulley
Meena Gurung
Stuart and Sharon Gussler
Stacy L. Habecker
Lynn Hackman
Matthew and Jill Hahn
Patricia Hall
Stacey Hamamura
Richard C. Hann
J. Ivan and Lucy Hanson
Robert and Kimberly Harbaugh
Frederick and Rosemary Hartman
Jeanette M. Hartwell
Catherine Harvey
John Harvey
John and Lisa Haus
Matt and Michelle Hawley
William Haxthausen
Kathrine Hedenberg
Bridget Heilman
Dwight and Kelly Hein
Brenda A. Heisey
Lawson and Georgia Hemperly
Steven and Amy Hendricks
Natalie Herberg
Frederick and Kim Hermanson
Sheila Herr
James and Judy Hershey
Jeffrey Hess
Marc and Annette Hess
Steven and Nancy Hess
Frank and Donna Hetrick
Ronald and Kathleen Hetrick
Larry Hicks
John and Amy Sue Hines
Richard Hirsch
Helen Oven Hiserman
Courtney Hock
Andrew and Bethany Hoffer
Chris Hoffer
Eileen P. Hoffer
Roberta Hoffer
Shai Hoffer
Steven and Elaine Hoffer
Robert and Kendra Hoffman
Ray and Carol Hoke
Sheryl Holmes
Steven and Ann Holzman
Kay M. Hornberger
David and Judy Horst
Ronald Horstick
Heather C. Hossler
Maggie Hossler
Tammy Houck
Josette Houri
Denise Howell
Jenny Huerter
Nancy Huerter
Gary and Lucinda Hughes
Charles F. Hummel
Susan Humpf
Morgan Hunsecker
Susan Huntzinger
Candace and Neil Hurley
Mel and Susan Hyde
Miranda Ikeda
Kevin and Lauren Imes
Nicholas and Andrea Isenberg
John Jeronis
Janice Johnson
Steve and Valerie Johnson
James E. Johnston
Adam Jones
Joseph Joynes
Jeffrey L. Kaley
Avery Kanode
Mary Ann Kapp
Andrew Keefer
David and Mildred Keefer
Ralph L. Keil
Mary K. Keller
Jessica Kelly
David and Gwen Kendall
Dan and Kathleen Kenney
Martha A. Kenworthy
Amy Keppley
Jennifer Kerbeck
Steve and Trudy Kern
David and Jane Kestner
Muhammad and Sara Khan
Bruce and Diane Kiefer
Larry and Carol Killian
Sotheary Kim
Chuck and Elizabeth Kindt
Robert Kinsman
Bruce and Janice Kleinfelter
Gregory and Shirley Klimovsky
Susan J. Kline
Mary C. Knause
Doug and Lindsay Knepp
John and Ruth Knol
Riley Koch
Todd and Tammy Kohl
Natalie S. Kohler
Todd Kohr
Charles Kollman
Amber Komykoski
Jennifer Koser
Mark and Page Kozak
Ken and Susan Kramer
Donald and Carolyn Kreider
Gary and Elizabeth Kreider
Lynn B. Kreider
Melissa Kreider
Timothy and Diane Kreider
Cheyenne Kreiser
Greg and Mary Krikorian
Margaret Krotec
Beth Kuehne
Keith and Barbara Kuhlengel
Jason and Alissa Kwiatkowski
Geraldine M. Langton
Barbara and Tim Laraia
Nancy J. Larson
Edward and Elaine Latour
Dave and Alicia Laudermilch
Carolyn Lauver
Donna Layser
Leroy and Dorothy Leach
Kristi Lech
Claire P. LeFevre
Dennis and Rayanne Lehman
Robert and Barbara Lehman
Xiao Lei
Todd and Claudine Lengel
Lois G. Leonard
Pam Leonard
Leslie Lescallette-Button
Kay M. Lesmerises
Greg and Theresa Lewis
Warren and Terry Lewis
Earl and Kathryn Light
Kenneth and H. Jane Light
Jody Lightner
Dave Lind
Kathy F. Lingle
William and Kathy Lingle
Diana Linn
Sylvia Linn
Amy Lintz
Linda Littlejohns
John and Patti Livering
Mark and Gail Livings
Allison Lockard
Andrea Long
Jennifer Long
Michael and Amy Long
Wendy Lowe
Robert and Brenda Lowthert
Matt Lubold
Eric and Rebecca Luckenbaugh
Barbara A. Lutz
Cynthia Lyons
Rebecca Maag
Michael Macchioni
Eric Maguire
Abbie Mahaffey
James and Michelle Malone
Jeanne Mangin
Dolly Marencic
Tina M. Mark
Todd Mark
Donna Marker
Leigh and Julie Marolf
Bob Martin
Donald and Cathy Martin
James and Bonnie Martin
Margaret D. Martin
Robert L. Martin, Jr.
Seth and Emily Martin
Lisa A. Martinko
The Massala Family
John and Rosalee Massie
Jeremy and Joann Maurer
Barbara Mazich
Daniel and Mary Agnes Mazur
Sharon McHaffey
Karen L. McCarthy
Lisa McConnell
Matthew McConnell
Mac McCrumb
Lauren McCullough
M. Gene and Kathleen McFail
William and Lisa McGregor
Jan McGee
Daniel and Sandra McKinley
J. Norman and Frances McMichael
Judith McMillen
Mandy McMillian
Renee McMinn
Shannon McMinn
Mark and Nancy McNally
Joseph and Jodi McPeak
Frederick and Patricia McPoyle
Fred and Lorna Melhorn
Lois E. Mellinger
John and Molly Memmi
Kevin B. Meyer
Gail Mickalonis
Ed Middleton
John Midlick
Barbara A. Miller
Claire Miller
David A. Miller
David and Barbara Miller
Dennis and Ingrid Miller
Kim N. Miller
Larry Miller
Mark and Lara Miller
Michael and Diane Miller
Michael and Kristen Miller
Robert and Diane Miller
Todd and Ann Miller
Janis Moessner
Shirley S. Mohr
Jay Molnar
Paige Molnar
Michael and Vicki Monn
George P. Morgan
Dave and Kristee Morris
Walter and Jane Morris
Donald and Virginia Mowery
Neha Moyer
Ralph and Janet Moyer
James and Christie Mulvey
Noah Murakami
John and Sharon Murphy
Bill and Andrea Murray
Daniel and Cheryl Murray
Roy Musselwhite
Shayla Myers
George Nagle
George and Kelley Nahodil
Sue Nale
Carol Nash
James and Jacqueline Neidigh
Stacey Neidigh
Deborah Nguyen
Hung and Mindy Nguyen
Kuni Nicely
Eloise J. O'Brien
John O'Brien
Daniel O'Leary
Brooke Olenowski
Chris and Bethany Oleyniczak
David and Ann Opilo
Nancy Opilo
Allison Palange
Brian Palmer
David and Kimberly Panichi
Sue Pankake
Sandra K. Parker
Susan J. Parker
William and Kelly Parks
Vijay and Pari Patel
Linda Patrick
Ryan and Melissa Patrick
James C. Pauley
Linda Pavone
James and Janine Pease
Anthony Pegg
Thomas C. Peiffer
John and Carol Pellow
Dale and Molly Pells
Anthony and Alissa Perrotto
Christopher and Pam Pierce
Debra Pierce
Tace Pope
Tim Pope and Alicia Matters
Lindsey Porter
Frank and Brenda Potter
MaryAnn Pruden
Tina Putt
Dan Quasius
Linda Raber and Regina Parkison
Penny L. Radcliff
Melisa Rader
Jeanette C. Ramer
Christy Ramos
James and Kathleen Reed
Jeffrey and Dawn Reese
Kathleen D. Reese
Alfred and Deborah Reiner
Shellaine Reist
Patricia A. Rhine
Bonnie M. Rhoads
Barry and Susan Rhodes
Brian Rice
Heather Richardson
Ryan and Gina Riess
Robert and Brenda Riley
Jonathan S. Rill
Kimberly Risser
Janell Roat
Stephen and Janet Roberts
Jeannine M. Rogowicz
Duane Romberger
Kevin and Joyce Rosborough
Harry and Catherine Ann Roscoe
Jonathan Roscoe
Jessica Ross
Livia Ross
Bryan Roth
Donald and Aurora Roth
Steven and Amy Roth
Norm-Anne Rothermel
Pamela Ruddle
Bruce Rudy
Michael and Christine Rugalla
Miguel and Colleen Ruiz
Charles and Dianne Runkle
Rebecca Rupley
Ted and Jill Russell
Martin and Kellie Salvaggio
Michael and Flora Salvo
Joseph Sanchez
Henry and Jana Saner
Prosper and Patricia Santangelo
Michael and Elizabeth Santora
Donna Sauls
Todd and Stephanie Schell
Gail Schilling
Clarke H.P. Schneider, Ph.D.
Randy and Lori Schreckengast
Barbara-Ann Schubert
Tony and Sharon Schwarz
Len and Roxanne Seibert
John and Elizabeth Seitz
Jared and Rachel Sekellick
Kathy Setlock
Jason and Jayanne Sevast
Dennis and Martha Shaak
Steven and Jolynne Shannon
Thomas and Judy Sheaffer
James M. Shearer
Robert and Carole Shearer
Jay and Mary Sheely
Robert and Kristine Shelton
Ann Shephard
Janet H. Shields
Rodney L. Shifflet
Thomas and Amy Shoemaker
Thomas F. Shott
Derek and Jennifer Shuler
Sylvia S. Shultz
Ken and Angela Shuman
Skip Sidauga
Eugene Simmers
Ben and Sondra Simmons
R. Eugene and Miriam Sindlinger
Benjamin and Ann Sipe
James and Deborah Sipe
Donald Sites
Jeffrey M. Sivik
Kevin Smeal
Leslie and Sarah Smedley
Jason and Amber Smeltz
Clyde and Sarah Smith
David and Linda Smith
Faith Smith
Harvey and Margaret Smith
Kelly Smith
Lisa Smith
Margaret A. Smith
Sandra Smith
Ashley Iams Snopko
Glenn and Jane Snover
Alan and Maryann Snyder
Michelle Snyder
Herman Snyder
Russell R. Souder
Robert and Annette Spagnolo
Stephanie Spangler
Joseph and Barbara Spear
Daniel and Lori Speck
Jeff Speece
Joseph and Emily Spingler
Alexandra Spitler
Glen Sponaugle and Kate Greene
Kelly Sprout
Robin D. Stanley
David Steibing
Clayton and Laura Stephens
Eugene A. Stewart
Kevin and Alicia Stick
Carol Stoffel
Stephen Stone
Jana Stramara
Rodney Stringr
Ryan Stroup
David and Susan Stumpf
Lori Sweger
Ethan Swiech
Vanessa Sypher
Clinton and SallyAnn Talley
Lorene M. Taraschi
Danielle Taylor
David Teets
Charles and Christina Terhune
Scott Thomas
David and Elaine Thompson
Derek Throgmorton
Steven and Linda Tilley
Nick Timmerberg
Tiffany Tipton
Mike Todaro
Gary Trowbridge and Beth Hoffman
Colleen Truitt
Michael Trujillo
Curt and Elizabeth Ulrich
Derek and Shila Ulrich and Family
Donald and Cynthia Umberger
Richard and Naomi Umberger
Amy Ungemach-Moore
Edith C. Utz
Christiana Uy
Kathleen Wittig Valtos
Hannah Van Nortwick
Elaine Vanlierde
Brenda Via
Dominic Vieli and Norma Farabaugh-Vieli
Tim Viozzi
Timothy and Ashley Visco
Gary and Nelda Wachtman
Dale and Stephanie Wagner
Dave Wagner
Stanley and Lois Wagner
Steven and Wendy Wallace
Daniel and Lori Ann Walmer
James Walsh
Sandra Walters
Rose Walthius
Ryan Wampler
Keith Wanfried
Cynthia Warner
David and Kristine Warner
Larry and Carol Watkins
Bruce and Ruth Ann Weaver
David Weaver and Pamela Wiedeman
Daryl R. Webber
Kim Webber
Nick Webber
Marie C. Weber
Neil and Tara Weber
Chelsea Weibley
Tim and Lori Weimer
Carol J. Weissert
David Wenger
Fern J. Wenger
Michael and Lori Wenger
Patti A. Wengert
David and Pamela Wentling
Frederick and Elizabeth Wentling
James and Kathleen Werling
Bryan and Tracey Werner
John J. Wert, Jr.
Paul and Janice Wessell
Clyde and Karen Wheland
Richard and Joyce Wherley
Karen White
Patricia C. Whitehead
Cathy M. Wieland
Harry H. Wildasin
Carl Williams+ and Shelley Williams
Christine Williams
Douglas and Catherine Williams
James and Nancy Williams
Jeff and Mary Williams
Beverly Williard
Gregory and Sharon Wilson
Nancy J. Wilson
Rane and Deb Wilson
Michelle Winter
James and Jeanette Witcoskie
Eric Witmer
John M. Witmer+ and Doris F. Witmer
Allan and Juliana Wolfe
John D. Wolfe
Steven and Laurie Wolfe
Terry and Jodi Wolfe
Curtis and Wilma Wood
Floyd R. Woodfin
Darrell Woomer
The Worsham Family
Hubert and Carol Wray
Randall and Carol Wright
Patty Wylie
Sherie Wylie
Rosie A. Yakstis
David and Patricia Yarian
Dana and Lorraine Yaw
Frank Yeager
Edward Yewdall
Nicholas and AmyLea Yingst
Penelope Yingst
Shirley L. Yingst
Tim and Carol Yingst
Daniel Yohe
T. Richard and Michelle Yohe
Steve Yurich
Reed Zeigler
Dennis and Pamela Zellers
Doris M. Zellers
Gary and Carol Zellner
Stephanie A. Ziegler
Jeff Zimmerman
Vicki S. Zimmerman
Karina Zotti
Logan Zugay
Claudia E. Zulick
911 Rapid Response
Accurate Carpentry
Ace Hardware Distribution
Adler, Muratore, and Powers Charitable Fund
Adventure Sports in Hershey
Ahold Delhaize
Alpha Sigma Tau
American Carpet of Harrisburg, Inc.
Annville Elementary School
Annville Middle/High School
Annville United Methodist Church
Annville-Cleona Council of Churches
Annville-Cleona School District
Arbor Green Home Owner's Association
ASK Foods
AT&T Employee Giving Campaign - YourCause Corporate Employee Giving Programs
Bagel Rack
Bayer Fund
Beers + Hoffman Architecture
BenardGherman Incorporated
Bethany United Methodist Church
Bindnagle Evangelical Lutheran Church
Bowman's Insurance Group
Boy Scout Troop #21
Boy Scout Troop #426
Boy Scout Troop #456
Boy Scout Troop #477
Brass Rail
Burkholder Family Foundation
Buse Funeral Home
Buzgon Davis Law Offices
C & D Rigging
Calvary Chapel
Campbelltown Community Alliance
Campbelltown United Christian Church
Campbelltown United Methodist Church
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Cheesesteak Shuttle
Chipotle - Hershey
Choice 4 Life Ministry
Christ Church United Church of Christ
Colortech, Inc.
Comics and Paperbacks Plus
Commercial Refrigeration of Harrisburg, Inc.
Consolidated Insurance Services, Inc.
Cornwall Construction Inc.
Cornwall School District Garden
Country Cruisers of Lebanon County
County of Lebanon
County of Lebanon Transit Authority
CPRS Physical Therapy
CRE 4 Fitness
Credit Union Student Choice
Cub Scout Pack #494
Delta Kappa Gamme
Dennis Miller Equipment Inc.
Desserts Etc.
Diocese of Harrisburg
Don and Cindy Umberger Donor Advised Fund at Fidelity Charitable
Dutch Valley Food Distributors, Inc.
E & E Metal Fabrication, Inc.
Ebenezer United Methodist Church
Eden Bridge Foundation
Encounter Church of Palmyra
Environmental Controls & Service, Inc.
Faith Acts United Methodist Women
Farm Women #20
Family Practice Center, P.C.
Fasnacht Family Foundation
Federated Women's Club of Hershey
Fidelity Charitable
Fifth Generation, Inc.
Finkenbinder Family Funeral Homes
Fisher Transportation
FNL Consulting LLC
Fontana United Christian Church
Forge Road Elementary
Free Spirit Yoga
Fulfillment Center - Hershey
Fulton Bank
Funck Brothers Enterprises, Inc.
Funck's Restaurant
Garman Builders, Inc.
Giant, Store #6097
Giant, Store #6279
Giant, Store #6564
GracePoint Evangelical Free Church
Grantville First United Church of Christ
Gravel Hill Christian Child Care
Gravel Hill Daycare
Gravel Hill United Methodist Church
Greystone Public House
Grocery Outlet Bargain Market - Palmyra
Harper's Tavern
Harper's Valley Farm
Hauz 'O Hoagies
Herbe Jewelry Store
Heritage Poultry Management Services
Hershey Chiropractic Center
Hershey Community Garden
Hershey Country Club
Hershey Federal Credit Union
Hershey Palmyra Sertoma Club
Hershey Paper Company
Hill Lutheran Church
Hill United Church of Christ
Hoagies on Main
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Hope Springs Farm
Janet M. Powers Fund at Greater Horizons
Johnson & Johnson
JR Moyer's Service Center, Inc.
Karn's Fresh Foods
Karn's - Hershey
Kathy Buckwalter's Beauty Salon, LLC
Kauffmans United Methodist Church
Kinsey's Outdoors
Kiwanis Club of the Palmyra Area
Knights of Columbus
Laudermilch Meats, Inc.
Lawn Evangelical Congregational Church
LB Meats
Leader Family Foundation
Lebanon County Builders' Association
Lebanon Federal Credit Union
Lebanon Valley Family Medicine
Lingle Avenue Elementary
Lisa's Cafe
Mark Kaylor, Inc.
Marthom Corporation
Mastronardi Produce Limited
Mat Cats
Members 1st Federal Credit Union
Messiah Lutheran Church of Lebanon
Metz Culinary Management
MHS & Affiliates
Milton Hershey School Project Market
Mike Leonard's Plumbing and Heating, Inc.
Mister Bobbin Embroidery Inc
Mount Gretna Craft Brewery, Red Canoe LLC
Mt. Wilson Church of the Brethren
Network for Good
Northern Lebanon High School
Northside Elementary
NVNG, Inc.
Olde Stone Way
Ono United Methodist Church
PA Central Federal Credit Union
Palm Lutheran Church
Palmyra Area Business Association for Palmyra's Great Give
Palmyra Area Education Association
Palmyra Area High School
Palmyra Area Middle School
Palmyra Black Knights
Palmyra Church of the Brethren
Palmyra High School Field Hockey Boosters
Palmyra High School Football
Palmyra High School Lacrosse
Palmyra First Evangelical Congregational Church
Palmyra First United Methodist Church
Palmyra Garden Club
Palmyra Grace Church
Palmyra Midget Football and Cheerleading Association
Palmyra Post Office
Palmyra United Zion Church
Pampered Chef
Parks and Company
PayPal Giving Fund
Penn State Health
Penn State Health Dermatology
Penn State Health M.S. Hershey Medical Center
Pennsylvania Automotive Association Foundation
Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants
Pine Street Elementary
Pledgeling Foundation
Primanti Bros. Hershey
R & K Subs
Rainbow Snow
Redner's - Fredericksburg
Redner's - Palmyra
Richard L. Walters, D.M.D., LLC
Rising Sun Bar & Kitchen
Rohrer Brothers Family Foundation
Rotary Club of Palmyra
Round Room Gives, Inc.
Rutters - Annville
Salem United Church of Christ
Sandi's Breads
Secura Insurance Companies Charitable Fund within the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region
Seltzer's Smokehouse Meats
Sheetz - Palmyra
Sherks Meeting House
Shine Ministry
Sigma Alpha Iota
Smoker, Smith & Associates, P.C.
Sons of American Legion
South Mountain Ventures, LLC
Spiral Path Farm
St. John's Evangelical Congregational Church
St. Mark Lutheran Church
St. Paul the Apostle Parish
St. Paul's Lutheran Women's Group
St. Paul's United Church of Christ
Stuff'D Steaks
Sweet Velvet Macarons
Swift Transportation
Target - Harrisburg
TE Connectivity
The Carol & John Grace Family Fund at Vanguard Charitable
The Hershey Company
The Wawa Foundation
The Wonderful Company Foundation, Inc.
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Trinity United Church of Christ
Troegs Independent Brewing
Troegs ALEtruism Fund at Schwab Charitable
Turkey Hill - Palmyra
Tuscarora Wayne Mutual Foundation
United Way of Lebanon County
United Way of the Capital Region
Unity Church
Visit Lebanon Valley
Walmart - Palmyra
Weis Markets, Inc.
Weis Markets - Palmyra
Woodmen of the World
Yield Giving Open Call