Honor Roll of Donors
2021 Supporters
Everything The Caring Cupboard does is enhanced by the incredible generosity of the people and businesses listed below who made donations in support of our efforts during calendar year 2021. We are truly grateful for your trust in our mission and for helping to enrich the lives of our friends and neighbors in need.
Furthermore, we recognize the time and talent of the numerous volunteers whose more than 15,000 volunteer hours also helped to make this year possible. We literally could not have done it without you! Thank you for your time and talent!
If you feel your name or business has been overlooked, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at shanna@caringcupboard.org.
Craig and Tamara Adams
Louise Adams
Kevin and Shanna Adler
Todd Albaugh
Carolyn Albright
Michelle Alger
Steve and Susan Alger
Clarence and Barbara Allen
Darcy Allen
William and Susan Allison
Alex and Lynette Almond
Maria Altebrando
Mike Althouse
Josephine Ames
Leo and Emily Amoling
James Anderman
Abby Anderson
David Anderson
Ellen Anderson
Josh Anderson
Natalie Anderson
Robert and Amy Anderson
David Annibali
James Appleby David and Lori Archer
Thomas and Connie Arnold
Abigail Aungst
Karen Aurand
Nancy Aurand
Oren Bachman
Gregory and Sharon Baiocchi
Jeffrey Baiocchi
William and Iris Bard
Geraldine Barto
Ruth Basehore
Anthony and Kathleen Bassett
Samuel James Batchelor, Jr.
Michael and Julianne Battistelli
John and Rita Bayler
James and Florence Beaver
Josephine Bechtel
Lisa Bechtel
Rodger Beck
William Beck
Sue Becker
Tanya Belair Bernard and Mary Bell
Brenda Bell
Richard and Barbara Bentz Aimee Bergner
Ronald and Susan Berman
Jamie Berryhill
Kathleen Bertrand
Laurie Bibinski
Paul and Susan Biery
Kathryn Biltz
John and Elizabeth Binkley
Corey Bires
David Bishop
Holly Bivens
Howard Bixler
Philip Bixler
Michael Blose
Jay and Anne Bobb
Millicent Bobb
John and Pamela Boger
Anita Bohr
Beth Boland
Connie Bolen
Gerry and Jean Boltz
Joan Boltz
Carrie Bonanno Francis and Marion Bonenberger
Amy Bornholdt
David and Sandee Bosler
Tessa Boyd
Anne Boyer
Dave and Maria Boyer
Jane Boyer
James and Elizabeth Bracale
Mark Brace
Patricia Braden
Lori Brady
Shawn Brandt
Thomas Brandt
Dorothy Brehm
Joseph Breslin
Robert and Sandra Brettler
Valerie Breznak
Cathy Brinser
Ainsley Brown
Donald and Faye Brown
Martha Brown
Janet Bucher
Jasmine Bucher
Mark Bucher
Michael Bucher
William and Deborah Buckfelder
Lynn Budgeon
Ryan Buehner
Jay and Carolyn Buffenmyer
David Buffington
Judith Buffington
Gregory Bump
Aura Bunn
Ray and Leslie Bures
Eric Burkholder
Erin Burns
Kenneth and Kimberly Bush
Alaric Busher
Victoria Butala
Robert and Shirley Byron
William and Diane Calhoon
Yvonne Campbell
Marino and Christine Candori
Douglas Canovas
William and Kathleen Cantore
Voorhis and Mary Cantrell
Casey Carbery Frederick and Mary Carey
Shirley Carpenter
David Carter
Thalia Catino
Christopher and Cynthia Champion
Bob Chaundy
Arianne Chernich
Dan Chirico
Kenneth and Renee Choyce
Dale and Sylvia Clair
Bonita Clark
Brooke Clayton
Calvin and Carla Clements
Lynn Clements
Alyssa Coldren
Michael Collins
Russell and Sue Collins
Christopher Connell
Joe Conners
William Connors
Catie Conway
Anne Cook
Warren and Grace Copeland
Jere and Bonnie Copenhaver
Bethany Cover
Cynthia Cranmer
Laurie Crawford
Jacqueline Crouse
Deborah Crum
Annette Curfman
Mitchell and Michelle Curry
MaKenzie Cuthie
Barbara Cutter
Carleigh Damron
Chris Damron
Gerry and DeeAnn Daniels
Gayle Darhower
Chip and DeFord Davis
Jethro and June Davis
Todd and Jennifer Davis
Catherine Dayton
Mary Deaven
Michael DeCristofaro
Timothy Deimling
Kenneth and Cynthia Deitzler
Philip and Judith DeIvernois
Todd Dellinger
Wesley and Amy Dellinger
Betty Jane Demchak
Karl and Julene Detweiler
Debbie Dickinson Rodney and Robin Dickinson
Meredith Dinger
Michael DiNunzio
Judith Dissinger
Kate Dively
Stephanie Dobroski
Richard and Alberta Dobson
Pam Doering
Diane Dohner
Thomas Donley
Brendan and Melissa Dougherty
Michelle Draughn
Rebecca Drye
Pattie Dupkas
Corey Dupree
Larry and Fay Earhart
Jeri Earl
Frank and Katrina Early
Scott and LeAyn Easterwood
Jeff and Ann Ebersole
Randall and Dawn Ebersole
Greg and Donna Eckert
Randy and Ida Eckert
Carol Edris
Jeff Edwards
Amy Eiserman
Dawn Elder
Justin Elliott
Robert and Bonnie Enck
Robert and Mary Engelman
Joan Engle
Eileen Ensminger
Dan Epler
H. Richard and Cynthia Eschenmann Bethany Eshleman
Sandra Estrada
Jeff Fackler
Alan Fake
Jean Fales
Herbert and Darlene Fankhanel
Dianne Farst
Robert and Sandra Faulstick
Robert and Jeanne Faust
George and Margaret Fava
Nickie Feldenzer
Dan and Laura Fellon
Barry and Dorothy Felt
Jen Feltzer
Tom and Deb Fenstermacher
Dean and Barbara Fernsler
Susan Ferrer
Michael Figueroa
Jeff Filer
Millard and Carolyn Fisher
William and Diane Fitterer
Penny Fitzgerald
Raymond and Mary Flagg
Renee Flasher
Donald Fletcher
Joseph and Stefanie Fogg
Michael Folkemer
John Foltz
Clarence and Eileen Fox
Lee and Julie Franck
Robert and Gail Frankhouser
Ed and Suzanne Frazier
Nickie Fredenburg
Bruce Fredrickson
Mark Frew
Bob Funk
Christopher Furyk
Nancy Fuschetti
Steven and Sharon Fuschetti
Michael and Leigh Gable
Jodi Gallagher
Maureen Gallagher
Robert Gallo
Vanessa Galvan
Jodi Gardner
Judy Gardyasz
Damien and Jessica Garloff
Joe and Ina Garrett
Scott Garrison
Patricia Geesaman
Larry and Sandra Geib
Dale and Loraine George
Kate and Jedadiah Gerdes
Jacob and Nancy Gerhart
Martha Gesford
Ligia Gherman
Daniel and Linda Gibson
Gale Gibson
Calvin and Mauree Gingrich
Joyce Gingrich
Lisa Gingrich
P.J. and Carrie Gingrich
David Giunta
Peter Gluszko
Mary Godfrey
Nevin and Deb Good
Tennille Good
Judith Gordon
John Gottshall
Michele and Steve Gottshall
Randall Gottshall
Tim and Lori Grafton
Sara Graham
Grandma Barb
Ellen Green
Frank and Linda Greene
Edward Greenebaum
Barry and Beverly Greiner
Frank Grenoble
Anna Groff
Karen Groh
Michael and Pamela Grubic
Carolyn Grunden
Larry and Carol Grunden
Rob Gundermann
Stuart and Sharon Gussler
Thomas Guzick
Stacy Habecker
Matthew and Jill Hahn
Gern and Patricia Haldeman
Tim and Karen Haldeman
J. Ivan and Lucy Hanson
Melanie Hartman
Jeanette Hartwell
Matt and Michelle Hawley
Jessica Heebner
Patricia Heilman
Dwight and Kelly Hein
Brenda Heisey
Caleb Heisey
Steven and Amy Hendricks
James and Judy Hershey
Jeffrey Hess
Marc and Annette Hess
Frank and Donna Hetrick
Ronald and Kathleen Hetrick
Abby Heverley
Jane Heverley
Jeffrey Heverley
Steven and Kristin Heverley
Rebecca Hilgers
Ed Hine
John and Amy Hines
Steven and Cynthia Hitz
Andrew and Bethany Hoffer
Darryl Hoffer
Shai Hoffer
Ashley Hoffman
Bryan Hoffman
Ricky and Beth Hoffman
Robert and Kendra Hoffman
Bradley and Brooke Holland
Matthew Holmes
Steven and Ann Holzman
Anne Hoover
Christine Horn
Kay Hornberger
David and Judy Horst
Ronald and Jennie Horstick
Heather Hossler
Maria Hostos
Josette and Aziz Houri
Marcella Howell
Jenny Huerter
Nancy Huerter
Gary and Lucinda Hughes
Jennifer Hughes
Charles Hummel
Susan Humpf
Candace and Neil Hurley
J. Mark and Cindy Hutchison
Susan Hyde
Miranda Ikeda
Sally Irwin
Nicholas and Andrea Isenberg
Elizabeth Jacobs
Deirdre Jarman
Joan Jarrett
Robert and Holly Johns
Valerie Johnson
James Johnston
Adam Jones
Carin Kaag
Jeffrey Kalina
Sue Kanode
Mary Ann Kapp Scott and Kim Kapp
Jen Kauffman
Brent and Julie Kaylor
John and Rose Kays
Andrew Keefer
Ralph Keil
Mary Keller
Jeff Kennedy
Travis Kennedy
Martha Kenworthy
Gary and Brenda Kephart
Karen Kepley
Steve Kern
David and Jane Kestner
Ajay Ketty
Bruce and Diane Kiefer
Sotheary Kim
Greg Kimble
Chuck and Liz Kindt
Gregory King*
Robert Kinsman
Jocelyn Kirby
Thomas and Jane Kitchen
Jenny Kitchens
Brad and Allison Kleinfelter
Scot and Dianne Klick
Gregory and Shirley Klimovsky
Susan Kline
Mary Knause
Doug and Lindsay Knepp
Natalie Kohler
Edward and Janet Kohr
Todd Kohr
Harry Koloski
Vera Kolstrom
Mark and Page Kozak
Corinne Krall
Ken and Sue Kramer
Jennifer Kraschnewski
Natalie Kratzer
Bryan Kreider
Donald and Carolyn Kreider
Gary and Elizabeth Kreider
Lynn Kreider
Timothy and Diane Kreider
Greg and Mary Krikorian
Lisa Kronmuller
Margaret Krotec
Scott and Erin Kuhen
Barbara Kuhlengel
Robin Kuhn
Jennifer Kuzo
Jason and Alissa Kwiatkowski
Deborah Lahteine
Corey Lamoureux
Ryan Lang
Barbara Laraia
Nancy Larson
William Larson
Ann Lasky
Joseph Lauck*
Dave and Kim Laudermilch
Daniel and Becca Lebo
Claire LeFevre
Dennis and Rayanne Lehman
Robert and Barbara Lehman
Terry and Barbara Lenker
Lois Leonard
Nancy Leonard
Pam Leonard
Kay Lesmerises
Joe and Susan Levan
Roger and Diann Levin
Pat and Molly Lewis
Warren and Terry Lewis
Barry Light
Earl and Kathryn Light
Samuel and Jeanne Lightner
Karl Lingel
Kathy Lingle
Amanda Lippi
Mark and Gail Livings
Adam Lohr
Andrea Long
Casey Long
Joanne Longenecker
Amber Lopez
Kelley Lorenzetti
Robert and Brenda Lowthert
Richard Luciotti
Eric and Rebecca Luckenbaugh
Steven and Margaret Lucking
Andrea Lumbatis
Barbara Lutz
Patrick Lynn
David and Carol Mader
Matthew and Sarah Madonna
Keith and Abbie Mahaffey
Stephen and Debra Malaro
James Malone
Dolly Marencic
Todd Mark
Dana Marsh
Bob Martin
Bonnie Martin
Donald and Cathy Martin
Marc and Sara Martin
Robert and Pauline Matthews
Jeremy and Joann Maurer
Daniel and Mary Agnes Mazur
Karen McCarthy
Lauren McCullough
M. Gene and Kathleen McFail
William and Lisa McGregor
Daniel and Sandra McKinley
Ronald and Karen McKinley
Kevin McLain
J. Norman and Frances McMichael
Judith McMillen
Joseph and Jodi McPeak
Fred and Lorna Melhorn
Carissa Mellinger
John and Lois Mellinger
John Memmi
Diane Meneely-Miller and Ross Miller
Melissa Messick
Kevin Meyer
Tamie Michaud
Barbara Miller
Dave and Mary Ann Miller
David and Barbara Miller
David and Rebecca Miller
Jamie Miller
Michael and Kristen Miller
Michael and Diane Miller
Micki Miller
Robert and Diane Miller
Shelby Miller
Timothy and Laurie Miller
Shirley Mohr
Judith Mondschein
Anthony and Elizabeth Montagnese George Morgan
Theresa Morgan
James Morris
Jason and Sarah Morton
Joey Moses
Donald and Virginia Mowery
Andrea and Bill Murray
George Nagle
Sue Nale
James and Jacqueline Neidigh
Ken and Heidi Neiswender
Allan and Mary Newstadt
Hung and Mindy Nguyen
Jake Nguyen
Mei Nguyen
Kathy Nissley
John and Carol Nolen
Donna O'Block
James and Kelly O'Brien
Brooke Olenowski
Chris and Bethany Oleyniczak
Nancy Opilo
Michael Orehek* and Janice Orehek Nancy O'Reilly
Joan Orr
Gail Ortenzi
Kristina Pallozzi
Beverly Palmer
Brian Palmer
Thomas and Catherine Parise
Richard and Sally Parmer
Ryan and Melissa Patrick
James and Janine Pease
Tom Peiffer
Charles and Marcia Perrotti
Anthony and Alissa Perrotto
David and Carolyn Pertusio
Victoria Petrouskie
Michelle Pheasant
Christopher and Pam Pierce
Julia Pierce
Jack and Roberta Pinkerton
Kim Poleshuk
Tim Pope and Alicia Matters
David J. Popko* and Jane T. Popko Jessie Poppy
Frank and Brenda Potter
C. Pratt
Amy Preston
Viki Price
Andrew Prihar
Tina Putt
Jane Quairoli
Linda Raber and Regina Parkinson Dorothee Rabold
Paul Rabon
Penny Radcliff
Melisa Rader
Bernie Radilla and Carla Cherry
John Radkiewicz
Jeanette Ramer
Andrew and Molly Raudensky
Chad and Charlyne Reboin
James and Kathleen Reed
Glenn and Dorothy Reichardt
Lisa Reidmiller
John Reist
Jeff and Helen Remington
Bonnie Rhoads
Sara Rhoads
Barry and Susan Rhodes
Jonah Ricards
Carolyn Richards
Scott and Heather Richardson
Steven Ricker
Nancy Riddle
Gina Riess
Robert and Brenda Riley
Jonathan Rill
Don and Patti Risser
Amy Ristenbatt
Joyce Rizzo
Stephen and Janet Roberts
Robert and Kathleen Rock
Jeannine Rogowicz
Duane Romberger
Harry and Catherine Ann Roscoe
Jess Ross
Amy Roth
Bryan Roth
Norm-Anne Rothermel
Mike and Christine Rugalla
Charles and Dianne Runkle
Randy Rupich
Ted and Jill Russell
Stephen and Bonnie Sager
Martin and Kellie Salvaggio
Audrey Sanders
Henry and Jana Saner
Prosper and Patricia Santangelo
Shelly Sarpong
Larry and Kathleen Saylor
Andrew and Ashley Schade
Steve Schappell
J.D. Schell
Todd and Stephanie Schell
Jeannie Schiavo
Dane and Carol Schoenbaum
Raymond and Susan Schreckengaust Bonita Schwarz
Jeffrey Seibert
Len and Roxanne Seibert
Stephanie Seigh
John and Elizabeth Seitz
Dee Seltzer
Kathy Setlock
Lilly Shaffer
Lakshmi Shankar
Steven and Jolynne Shannon
David and Lynne Shapiro
James Shearer
Robert and Carole Shearer
Jay and Mary Sheely
Susan Sheetz
Robert and Kristine Shelton
Thomas Shenk
Janet Shields
Thomas and Amy Shoemaker
Thomas Shott
Derek and Jennifer Shuler
Kenneth Shuman
April Sibbach
R. Eugene and Miriam Sindlinger Benjamin Sipe
Martha Slayman
Kevin Smeal
Lee and Sally Smedley
Jason and Amber Smeltz
David and Linda Smith
Eileen Smith
Gail Smith
Harvey and Margaret Smith
Robert and Margaret Smith
Robert and Betty Smith
Sandra Smith
Sarah Smith
Sheila Smith
Walton and Deborah Smith
Sarah Smithmyer
Glenn and Jane Snover
Alan and Maryann Snyder
Michelle Snyder
Dina Solito
William Solnoki
Sharon Sonni
Russell and Sandra* Souder
Robert and Annette Spagnolo
Dean and Audra Spang
Stephanie Spangler
Joseph and Barbara Spear
Carl and Rachel Spease
Larry and Sally Specht
Daniel and Lori Speck
Joseph and Emily Spingler
Alexandra Spitler
Donna Spitler
James and Kathryn Spitler
James Sprecher
Kelly Sprout
David and Barbara Stainbrook
Robin Stanley
Susan Stanton
Mic and Sue Starr
Tom Stebbins
Jeff and Patricia Steely
Zeke and Stefanie Stephan
Clayton and Laura Stephens
Kristi and Michael Stephens
Elizabeth Sterner
Michael Stokes
Ryan Stroup
Susan Stumpf
Robin Sutherly
Ronald and Sylvia Swanson
Rose Swartz
Lorene Taraschi
David Teets
Scott Thomas
Denise Thompson
Hanna Thompson
Sandra M. Thompson
Shane Thornton
Billye Tomb
Michael Toth and Rebecca Jenkins Vincent and Pamela Tricamo
Karla Trout
Gary Trowbridge
Bruce Truax
Colleen Truitt
Crystal Turner
JeNele Turner
Richard and Barbara Tushup
Lorraine Udanis
Patti Uhrich
David and Kathy Ulrich
Derek and Shila Ulrich
Noah Ulrich
Catherine Umberger
Richard and Naomi Umberger
Edith Utz
Laura Valeo
Christine Valvo
Dominic Vieli and Norma Farabaugh-Vieli
Ashley and Timothy Visco
Gary and Nelda Wachtman
Dale and Stephanie Wagner
Greg Wagner
Robert and Sandra Walborn
Sarah Walker
Aaron Walny
Lonnie Wamsher
Keith Wanfried
Carolyn Ward
David and Kristine Warner
Larry and Carol Watkins
Ralph Watts
Donald and Diane Weaber
Bruce and Ruth Ann Weaver
David Weaver
Harold and Sondi Weaver
Jaxon Weaver
Ralph and Mary Weaver
Daryl Webber
Marie Weber
Alicia Wegman
Chelsea Weibley
Milesta Weidler
Tim and Lori Weimer
Edward Weist
Fern Wenger
Michael and Lori Wenger
Michelle Wenger
Patti Wengert
Frederick and Elizabeth Wentling
Bryan and Tracey Werner
Courtney Wert
John Wert, Jr.
Janice Wessell
Clyde and Karen Wheland
Karen White
John and Jill Whitehead
Robert and Judith Wieckowski
Cathy Wieland
W. Scott and Coralee Wilkerson Catherine Williams
James and Nancy Williams
Vickie Williams
Randall Williamson
Aaron Wilson
Gregory and Sharon Wilson
Marcia Wilson
Nancy Wilson
Jeffrey Wilver
Amy Wineland
Michelle Winter
Beatrice Wise
James and Jeanette Witcoskie
John and Doris Witmer
Joe and Linda Woelfling
Ron Woleslagle
Kitty Wolf
Allan and Juliana Wolfe
John Wolfe
Daniel Wolford
Timothy and Jacqueline Woolley
Jeanne and John Worley
Sherry Worsham
Jerome and Colleen Wozniak
Hubert and Carol Wray
Randall and Carol Wright
Frank Yeager
Jo Ann Yeagley
Edward Yewdall
Nicholas and Amylea Yingst
Norman and Shirley Yingst
Tim and Carol Yingst
Steve Yurich
Kate Yusko
Florence Zaczek
Nancy Zarek
Doris Zellers
Carol and Gary Zellner
Tracey Ziegler
Karina Zotti
Logan Zugay
3 J's
911 Rapid Response
Ace Hardware
Alpha Sigma Tau at Lebanon Valley College
Amazon Smiles
American Water
Ameritech Media
Ancestor Coffeehouse and Creperie
Annville Elementary
Annville Township Board of Commissioners
Annville-Cleona Council of Churches
Annville-Cleona School District
Arbor Greene Homeowners Association
Arka Express
Association of Faculty & Friends of the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
AT&T Employee Giving Campaign - YourCause Corporate Employee Giving Programs
Bellegrove United Methodist Church
Beta Sigma Phi Sorority
Bethany United Methodist Church
Big Lots
Bindnagles Evangelical Lutheran Church
Bluescope Foundation North America
Bob's Discount Furniture Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Boger Concrete
Boscov's Department Store, LLC
Boy Scout Troop 21
Boy Scout Troop 426
Boy Scout Troop 456
Boy Scout Troop 477
Bright Beginnings Preschool, Inc.
Buse Funeral Home
C & D Rigging
Calvary Chapel - Lebanon
Campbelltown United Christian Church
Campbelltown United Methodist Church
Central Pennsylvania Food Bank
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Charity On Top Foundation, Inc.
Christ Church United Church of Christ
Columbia Cottage
Commercial Refrigeration of Harrisburg, Inc.
Community School West
Country Cruisers of Lebanon County County of Lebanon
Transit Authority
Crosstown Dental - Palmyra
Dairy Queen
Diocese of Harrisburg
Don and Cindy Umberger Donor Advised Fund at Fidelity Charitable
Dutch Valley Food Distributors, Inc.
Ebeneezer Elementary School
Ebenezer Elementary School PTE
Ebenezer United Methodist Church
Edwin L. Heim Company
Encounter Church of Palmyra
Entech Engineering, Inc.
Fairland Brethren In Christ Church
Faith Acts United Methodist Women
Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry
Fasnacht Family Foundation
Finkenbinder Funeral Home
First Evangelical Congregational Church
First United Methodist Church
Fontana United Christian Church
Forge Elementary
Free Spirit Yoga
Frontstream Trust
Gallagher Printing, Inc.
Gary's Bar
Gavinga Foundation
Gemma's Angel's
Giant, Store #6088
Giant, Store #6097
Giant, Store #6279
Giant, Store #6564
Gingrich Insurance Group
Girl Scout Troop 701
Golden 50
GracePoint Evangelical Free Church
Gravel Hill United Methodist Church
Greater Lebanon Valley Lions Club
Greg Speece T/A GS Designs
Grocery Outlet
Grudi Associates, Inc.
Helping the Harrisburg Family
Herbe Jewelry Store
Heritage Poultry Management Services
Hershey Chocolate World
Hershey Community Garden
Hershey Federal Credit Union
Hershey Food Bank
Hershey Jr. Bears
Quebec Peewees
Hershey Palmyra Sertoma Club
Hershey United Methodist Church
Highmark Hill United Church of Christ
Hoagies on Main
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Hope Springs Farm
Humane Society of Lebanon County
Independent Bible Church of Sand Beach
Jonestown Outreach Pantry
JR Moyer's Service Center, Inc.
Kauffmans United Methodist Church
Kaylor Farms
Kelly Parks, State Farm Insurance
Kevin M. Loy, General Contractor
Kiwanis Club of Palmyra
Klick Lewis
Knights of Columbus
Laudermilch Meats, Inc.
Lawn E. C. Church
Lawn Fire Company
Lebanon County Career and Technical Center
Lebanon County Christian Ministries
Lebanon Rescue Mission
Lebanon Valley College
Lebanon Valley Family Medicine
Lebanon Valley SHRM
Lingle Avenue Elementary
Living Well
Londonderry Village
Lowe's - Palmyra
Make a Difference Lebanon
McLaughlin for Supreme Court
McMahon Associates Members
First FCU
Messiah Lutheran Church of Lebanon
Metz Culinary Management
Mike Leonard's Plumbing and Heating, Inc.
Mike Ungemach Farm
Miller and Bixler Auto Parts, Inc.
Milton Hershey School
Mission Central - Cleona
Morcom Law, LLC
Mount Gretna Craft Brewery
Mt. Wilson Church of the Brethren
Network for Good
New York Fitness
Northside Elementary
Old Forge Acres
Order of the Eastern Star, Hershey Chapter 509
PAA Fund of the PAA Foundation
Palanzo Financial Services, Inc.
Palm Lutheran Church
Palmview Apartments
Palmyra - A Caring Community
Palmyra Area Education Association
Palmyra Church of the Brethren
Palmyra Field Hockey Boosters
Palmyra Grace Church
Palmyra High School
Palmyra High School Band
Palmyra High School Baseball
Palmyra High School Soccer
Palmyra Interfaith Manor
Palmyra Library
Palmyra Lions Club
Palmyra Middle School
Palmyra Real Food Emporium
Palmyra United Christ Church
Paramount Sports Complex
Parks and Company
PayPal Giving Fund
Peet's Coffee
Penn Del Jersey Chapter of the National Electrical Contract Association
Penn Medicine Home Health
Penn State College of Medicine
Penn State Health
Pepperidge Farm
Pershing LLC
Phillip Arthurs Café
Pine Street Elementary
Power Packs
Power Train - Palmyra
Project Market
R&K Subs
Redner's - Fredericksburg
Redner's - Palmyra
Reece Kelley Foundation
Reilly, Wolfson, Sheffey, Schrum and Lundberg
Renewal by Andersen
Retail Business Services
Richard Walters, DMD, LLC
Rising Sun
Rock Commercial Real Estate, LLC
Rutters - Annville
Salem United Church of Christ
Sandi's Bread
Sauder's Eggs
Schwab Charitable
Seltzer's Smokehouse Meats
Sheetz - Palmyra
Sherks Meeting House
Shippenville United Methodist
Speedwell Church
St. John's Steelstown
St. Mark's UCC Lebanon
St. Paul the Apostle Parish
St. Vincent De Paul Society
Stock's on Second
Stonebrook Community
Super Valu
Synergy Real Estate
Target - Harrisburg
TE Connectivity
Texas Roadhouse
The Blackbaud Giving Fund by its agent, Your Cause
The Blue Cardinal Group
The Cellular Connection LLC
The Hershey Company
The North Star Financial Group
The Wonderful Company Foundation Inc.
Thrivent Trane - Heating & Cooling Services
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Trinity Lutheran Church Colebrook
Trinity United Church of Christ
Troeg's Independent Brewing
Turkey Hill
Tuscarora Wayne Mutual Foundation
United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County
United Way of the Capital Region
United Way Worldwide Unity Church
Upstream's Pillars with Purpose Benevolent Fund for Family and Children Welfare of TFEC
Vanguard Charitable
Walmart - Palmyra
Weis Markets - Linglestown
Weis Markets - Palmyra
Weis Markets, Inc.
Wells Fargo Advisors WIC
Woodmen of the World
Zembo Circus
Zinpro Corporation